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Work / 公寓住宅

Life Ladprao 1

Bangkok, Thailand

The entrance, created by feature walls and trees as backdrop, separately defines the pedestrian walkway from the vehicular entrance. Walking through the narrow path is the starting point of the serial experiences.

The signature graphic, from the architectural facade to the landscape elements, is subtly reinterpreted and continually accented as a collaborative design element in the pleasant yet dynamic garden setting.

An aqua oasis garden,  strategically defined as a sunken courtyard and intricately crafted by the signature graphic on the vertical elements, subtly creates the passive courtyard with prime tranquility in contrast with the hustle and bustle of Ladprao district. This courtyard, serving as the contemplative functional space for the residents, features a large water surface with the floating passage called "the catwalk" in the center creating the accessible shortcut to both towers. Two feature trees are well composed at side in rounded planters.  A feature pavilion, placed at the corner, has a full exposure to the controlled pleasant ambiance surrounded by the lush evergreen topiary and the over story provided by dense clusters of tree.

Category 公寓住宅
Progress Completed
Year 2020
Size -
Client name AP (Thailand) PLC