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Work / 私人住宅 & 独栋别墅

Crea Khaoyai

Nakornratchasima, Thailand

Crea' is the luxurious vacation house creating for all seasons living located in Khaoyai. Backed to mid of 2013 Tectonix has been appointed by the owner to execute the master planning and landscape architectural design. The first impression on the site visit is about the ambience at site which is surrounded by the mountain, lush greenery and the natural stream. Even though it is very close to the main highway. The master plan intentionally designed to strengthen the site value by creating the "Green Belt" by 250m. length at East-West orientation facing to the mountain scene at the east. Additionally there are connecting pocket garden allowing the comfortable accessibility from each unit to the garden, the club house and the stream. The existing rain tree is always one of the feature on site. Since the first site visit, it has been there as a feature, nowadays after the completion of the main gate, it still has been here to welcome all guests.

Category 私人住宅 & 独栋别墅
Progress Completed
Year -
Size -
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