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Work / 零售 & 经营性场所

Reference Sathorn Wongwienyai

Bangkok , Thailand
Reference Sathorn Wongwienyai by SC Asset PCL
Inspired by Moon, the landscape design at Reference Sathorn Wongwienyai features the collaborative design depicting the unique design elements from architecture, interior and landscape.
The curvilinear lines of design elements, openings with light and shade, seamless spaces from interior to exterior and monochromic color scheme subtly define the interpretation of the design concept in the modern contemporary approach.
Planting design intentionally plays a role to compliment with the architecture and interior spaces by using the monochromic color scheme with fine textures and forms creating the sense of intimacy and friendly to human scale.
In collaboration between
I'll Design x Begray x Landscape Tectonix
Category 零售 & 经营性场所
Progress Completed
Year 2021
Client name SC Asset Corporation PLC