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Work / Hospitality & Highend Residence

Yenarkard House (Y2), Bangkok, Thailand

Bangkok , Thailand

[Project Update] .

Project >> Y2 Residence

Location >> Bangkok, Thailand

Designed >> 2023

Completed >> 2024

Scope of work >> Landscape Design

Landscape Architect >> @Landscape Tectonix Limited

Architect >> @Warchitect

Photographer >> @Panoramic Studio .

[Design Narrative]


As a landscape architect appointed to work on this private residence for a lovely family, we started to work with a discussion with the owner who passionately intended to build a new home in the heart of Bangkok’s CBD after spent their childhood in a family’s house in the outskirt of Bangkok. A place with full of memorable moment of large greenery, fresh air and gentle wind.


The owner’s reminiscence of big trees, large pond, spacious lawn, flora and fauna became an inquisitive question to us, what we can do, what design strategy we look for and what kind of design approach we should define for a new garden in an urban context which the space is pretty limited and compacted.


Thanks to a painting from a famous Thai artist, Supmanee Chaisansuk, “Memory of Green (2022)” which inspired by the artist’s impressive childhood memory living in a house surrounded by the pristine nature. . This 120x100 cm. acrylic painted on canvas artwork, owned by our director, became an inspiration in landscape design of Y2 Residence. The design concept therefore subtly defines unique characteristics of the garden illustrating the transformative interpretation of the garden in urban context.


1. Green intimacy at the front yard As the garden at the arrival, this garden features the simple yet pleasant greenery composing of an open lawn and multi-layering plant with water feature. This outdoor space therefore defines a private space, encourages a human senses and serves as family’s multi-purpose outdoor space.

2. Green Canvas at the central courtyard Intentionally serves as a living painting which can be seen from main living space and others rooms, this garden features artistic composition of the garden’s elements; signature tree, boulder, shrub and groundcover as well as water spout.

3. Pampering Green at the swimming pool The garden offers the greenery in various textures, shapes and sizes in order to enhance both swimming pool’s ambience and walking passage connecting from garage to the main living space.

4. Blossom Green at the pocket garden As an iconic feature, Blossom green always defines a green feature in both architectural and interior spaces. . The landscape design ultimately depicts an important role in design to create the seamless integration to both architectural and interior spaces as well as offers both visual and functional spaces to the private residence in an urban context. . .

Category Hospitality & Highend Residence
Progress Completed
Year 2022
Size -
Client name